Chicago September 1893 . This is the picture from which the famous poster of ‘Vive Kananda, the Hindoo Monk’ was made and which was most likely circulated at the World’s Fair during the Parliament of Religions (September 11- 27, 1893).
The writing on the left is in Vivekananda’s handwriting: ‘one infinite pure and holy – beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee’. Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison.
Chicago September 1893 . The famous poster ‘Swami Vive Kananda, the Hindoo Monk of India’ which was circulated at the World’s Fair during the Parliament of Religions (September 11- 27, 1893). Made by Goes Lithographics, Chicago, 1893.
Chicago September 1893. Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison.
Chicago, September 1893.
Inscription: ‘Thou art the father the lord the mother the husband and love ‘. Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison.
Chicago, September 1893 with other Indian delegates of the Parliament.
Left to right: Narasimha Charya, Laxmi Narayan, Swami Vivekananda, H. Dharmapala, Virchand Gandhi.
Chicago, September, 1893. On the platform, ( l-r) Virchand Gandhi, Dharmapala, Swami Vivekananda, at the Parliament of Religions.
Chicago, September 1893
Cropped from the previous photo
Chicago, September, 1893
Chicago, September, 1893
Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison.
Chicago, September, 1893
Inscription in English, ‘Virtue is the only friend that follows us beyond the grave. Everything else ends with death.’ Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison.
Chicago, September, 1893
Inscription: ‘Thou art the only treasure in this world’. Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison.
Chicago, September, 1893
Photograph taken by Thomas Harrison. Inscription in Swami Vivekananda’s hand (English), ‘equality in all beings this is the sign of the free’
Chicago, September, 1893
Chicago, September, 1893
Swami Vivekananda (seated) Nara Sima aka Narasimhacharya (standing)
America (possibly 1893)
Cropped from a group photo (see next photo)

Ralph Waldo Trine ( standing ) wearing cowboy hat.

Cropped from a group photo (see next photo)

Swami Vivekananda, Sarah Farmer (seated to his left), Charles Malloy (standing with walking stick)

From left to right: Swami Vivekananda, Sarah J. Farmer, M. H. Gulesian, and Dr. Edward Everett Hale. Photograph by Cora Stockham.

Cropped from a group photo (see previous photo)

Photograph taken by E.B. Snow. Inscription: ‘When in search of knowledge or prosperity think that you would never have death or disease and when worshipping God think that death’s hand is in your hair.’

Taken at Prince studio, 31 Union Square, New York.

Believed to be taken at Prince Studio, 31 Union Square, New York.

Believed to be taken at Prince Studio, 31 Union Square, New York.

Later published in Cheiro’s Language of the Hand; by Trans Atlantic Publishing Company, New York, 1895.

The original print of this photo bears the name of the studio, Lamson & Van Camp , 1000 Island Park, New York.
Photo possibly taken at Thousand Island Park Studio.

Possibly taken at Thousand Island Park Studio.