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Letters 1902

To Sister Christine

The Math, Belur, Dist. Howrah,
23rd January 1902.
My dear Christine,
By this time you must have settled your plans. Don’t worry, however, on my account. I only want to see you rested and well rested, wherever you be.
Excuse this rather long delay in writing. Owing to various reasons I could not, but [was] mentally sending you good wishes all along.
Miss [Josephine] MacLeod has arrived with her Japanese friends: Mr. Okakura [Kakuzo], a professor of art, and Mr. Hori, a Brahmacharin. The latter has come to India to study Sanskrit and English. The former came to see India, the Motherland of Japanese culture and art. Well, Mrs. [Ole] Bull and Nivedita are also expected in a few days. As it seems now, this whole party is going to Japan–minus Nivedita. She remains here to work.
Now, I am going to try my hand in Japan and, if possible, in China. Oh, how I wish you were coming with Nivedita to make one of the party to Japan! Yet, do not put yourself to unnecessary trouble for that. There is Japan, and there is the U.S., after all, where we meet. You will only break yourself in trying to “hustle up”. No Hurry, No Worry. I am rather anxious in not hearing from you for weeks. I pray you are not ill, anyway.
To Mother have I given you over. She protects Her own, ever and ever, I have no fear.
With all love and blessings,
Vivekananda. read more

Letters 1901

To Mrs. Ole Bull

Prabuddha Bharata Office
Advaita Ashrama
Mayavati (via Almora)
Kumaon, Himalayas,
6th January, 1901
My dear Mother, read more

Letters 1900 from Belur Math

Letters written from Belur Math


To Josephine MacLeod

The Math, Belur,
11th Dec., 1900.
Dear Joe,
I arrived night before last. Alas! my hurrying was of no use.
Poor Captain Sevier passed away, a few days ago — thus two great Englishmen gave up their lives for us — us the Hindus. Thus is martyrdom if anything is. Mrs. Sevier I have written to just now, to know her decision.I am well, things are well here — every way. Excuse this haste. I will write longer ere long.
Ever yours in truth,
VIVEKANANDA. read more

Letters 1900 en route to India

Letters written after Paris en route to Egypt and en route to India.


To Miss Alberta Sturges read more

Letters 1900 Paris

Letters written en route to Paris, in Paris and other parts of France

(August to October)

To Sister Christine read more

Letters 1900 New York

Letters written from New York

(June – July)

To Sister Christine

Vedanta Society,
102 East 58th Street,
New York,
9th June 1900.
Dear Christina,
I could not write more, as the last few weeks of my stay in California was one more relapse and great suffering. However, I got one great benefit out of it inasmuch as I came to know I have really no disease, except worry and fear. My kidneys are as sound as any other healthy man’s. All the symptoms of Bright’s disease etc., are only brought on by nerves.
I wrote you one, however, from 770 Oak Street, San Francisco, to which I did not get any reply. Of course, I was bedridden then and my address book was not in the place I was in. There was a mistake in number. I cannot believe you did not reply willingly.
As you see, now I am in New York, and will be here a few days. I have an invitation from Mrs. Walton of Cleveland, Ohio. I have accepted it. She writes me you are also invited and have accepted her invitation. Well, we will meet in Cleveland then. I am sure to see you before I go to Europe–either there or anywhere you wish. If you don’t think it would be possible for you to come to Ohio, I will come to any other place you want me to come to say goodbye.
When is your school going to close? Write me all about your plans–do!
Miss Noble wants me very much to go to Cleveland. I would be very, very glad to get a few weeks’ seclusion and rest before I start with friends who do not disturb me at all. I know I will find rest and peace that way, and you can help me any amount in that. In Cleveland, of course, there will be a few friends always and much talkee-talkee as a matter of course. So if you think I will have real peace and rest elsewhere, just write all about it.
My reply to the Cleveland lady depends on your letter.
How I wish I were in Detroit or elsewhere just now, among friends who I know are good and true always. This is weakness; but when the physical vitality is lowered and the nerves all unstrung, I feel so, so much to depend upon somebody. You will be glad to learn I made a little money in the West. So I will be quite able to pay my expenses.
Write soon.
Yours affectionately,
Vivekananda. read more

Letters 1900 San Francisco

Letters written from San Francisco, en route to San Francisco and other parts of California

(March to May) read more

Letters 1899-1900 from Los Angeles

Letters written from Los Angeles (including en route to LA) and Pasadena

(December 1899 to February 1900) read more

Letters 1899 from Chicago

Letters written from Chicago

To Mrs. Leggett

26th Nov., 1899.
Many, many thanks for all your kindness and especially the kind note. I am going to start from Chicago on Thursday next, and got the ticket and berth ready for that day.
Miss Noble is doing very well here, and working her way out. I saw Alberta the other day. She is enjoying every minute of her stay here and is very happy. Miss Adams (Jane Adams), as ever is an angel.
I shall wire to Joe Joe before I start and read all night.
With all love to Mr. Leggett and yourself, read more

Letters 1899 from New York

Letters written from New York


To Miss Josephine MacLeod**

21 W. 34TH ST.,
November 8 , 1899.
Experiences are gathering a bit thick round you. I am sure they will lift many a veil more.
Mr. Leggett told me of your phonograph. I told him to get a few cylinders — I talk in them through somebody’s phonograph and send them to Joe — to which he replied that he could buy one, because “I always do what Joe asks me to do.” I am glad there is so much of hidden poetry in his nature.
I am going today to live with the Guernseys as the doctor wants to watch me and cure me. . . . Doctor Guernsey, after examining other things, was feeling my pulse, when suddenly Landsberg (whom they had forbidden the house) got in and retreated immediately after seeing me. Dr. Guernsey burst out laughing and declared he would have paid that man for coming just then, for he was then sure of his diagnosis of my case. The pulse before was so regular, but just at the sight of Landsberg it almost stopped from emotion. It is sure only a case of nervousness. He also advises me strongly to go on with Doctor Helmer’s treatment. He thinks Helmer will do me a world of good, and that is what I need now. Is not he broad?
I expect to see “the sacred cow”* today in town. I will be in New York a few days more. Helmer wants me to take three treatments a week for four weeks, then two a week for four more, and I will be all right. In case I go to Boston, he recommends me to a very good ostad (expert) there whom he would advise on the matter.
I said a few kind words to Landsberg and went upstairs to Mother Guernsey to save poor Landsberg from embarrassment. read more