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The Swami on Ramakrishna
”Blessed are those who have seen Sri Ramakrishna. All of you, too, will get his vision. When you have come here, you are very near to him. Nobody has been able to understand him who came on earth as Sri Ramakrishna. Even his own nearest devotees have no real clue to it. Only some have a little inkling of it. All will understand in time.’
Feb 28, 1897, Calcutta speech.
(CWSN 1: 130)
(Attributed to SV by Sister Nivedita)
(From Mrs. Edith Allan’s reminiscences)
(CWSN 1: 255)
and this is what humanity in the future is going to do. That was his idea. He condemned none but saw the good in all.
the gold and all the wealth that was in the universe.
called ‘spirituality’. The more this develops in a man, the more powerful is he for good. He who has most of it can do good most to his fellow man. First, then, acquire that. Only those who have seen it will understand this; but such spirituality can be given to others, even though they be unconscious of the gift. Only those who have attained to this power are amongst the great teachers of mankind. They are the powers of light. Then be you this! The more of such men any country produces, the higher that country is raised. That land where no such men exist is doomed. Nothing can save it. Therefore, my Master’s message to the world is, ‘Be ye all spiritual! Get ye first realization!’ And to the young and strong of every country he would cry that the time is come for renunciation. ‘Renounce for the sake of humanity! You have talked of the love of man till the thing is in danger of becoming words alone. The time is come to act. The call is now. Do! Leap into the breach and save the world!
religious life., of its impulses and activities. If I can show the world one glimpse of my Master I shall not live in vain.
(Letter to Ramakrishnananda, 1895)
(Letter to Ramakrishnananda, 1895)
(Letter to Ramakrishnananda, 1895)
(Letter to Brahmananda , 1895)
SV on the Worship of Ramakrishna
Swami Vivekananda made numerous inspired statements about his teacher, Sri Ramakrishna. Some of these are found in this post.
SV on Ramakrishna’s Divinity and Greatness
Ramakrishna has no peer. Nowhere else in the world exists such unprecedented perfection, such wonderful kindness to all, such intense sympathy for men in bondage.
SV on impact of Ramakrishna on SV
(Swami Vivekananada often told how Sri Ramakrishna impacted his life,)
The Master made me his slave by his love for me.
SV recalls his relationship w Ramakrishna
(Swami Vivekananda spoke frequently about Sri Ramakrishna. Here are some comments he made about the life he lived with Sri Ramakrishna.)