Home » Letters 1896 from Chicago

Letters 1896 from Chicago

Letters written from Chicago



To Mrs. Ole Bull

Indiana Ave, Chicago, Ill.
6th April, 1896.
Dear Mrs. Bull,

Your kind note was duly received. I had beautiful visits with my friends and have already held several classes. I shall have a few more and then start on Thursday.
Everything has been well arranged here, thanks to the kindness of Miss Adams. She is so, so good and kind.
I am suffering from slight fever the last two days; so I can’t write a long letter.
My love to all in Boston.
Yours with kind regards,

To Sister Christine

1628 Indiana Ave.
Chicago, Ill.
[April 6, 1896]
Dear Christina,
[Line excised.] reply as soon as possible.
I am going forward to New York on Thursday [April 9] and [will] start for England on the 15th of April.
Goodbye and love to you all–to Mrs. Funkey [Funke], to Mrs. Phelps and all the rest of our friends.
In this life we meet and part again and again; but the mind is omnipresent and can be, hear, and feel anywhere.
Yours with love and blessings,
P.S. Give Kripananda and Miss [Martha] Hamilton my love and blessings when you meet them next.

[Written in the margin:] I will go to New York next Friday [April 10].